Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Homemade Pizza with one of my Best Girls!!

     Tonight I had some alone time with my youngest daughter Miley, she is always such a quirky little thing and so curious. I decided we would make homemade pizza for when daddy & sissy came home. Well "little miss do it herself" was quite the helper..!!
We started with the pizza dough..and "no mommy, I can do it better" was her response....


     Then the was everywhere..!!


....and most importantly the CHEESE and salt!!!

Overall...We had a lot of fun...She smiled a lot...and I have a great memory!!

     These are the moments I live for....and why I say..."Every Moment Is A Memory, Capture It", because as time moves on and I have more special moments with my lil cupcake...this memory will fade slightly...but these "captured images" will be with me forever...So..I will never forget! 

  So I encourage you all, to take time to capture some memories of you own with your little ones, or those close to you. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, it will be well worth the effort..

and yes..she dressed herself..I told you she was independent ...!! LOL

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